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  • 13 Jan 2009 EA
    Sjanger Action-spill, Eventyr
    Multiplayer No
    Utgivelsesdato 13 Jan 2009
    Utgiver EA
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    17.37 InStock
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    Samle 8 Edelstener med dette produktet
    There's No Looking Back. In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action-adventure is your story. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith’s world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous. Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city, you will learn how to run. Imagine a world where communication channels are highly monitored and the movement of human traffic is closely watched. Mirror's Edge introduces you to Faith, a "runner" in this world. When Faith's sister gets framed for a murder she did not commit, Faith finds herself on the edge of the city, on the wrong side of the law. Mirror's Edge delivers you straight into the shoes of this modern day heroine...

    There's No Looking Back.

    In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action-adventure is your story.

    With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith’s world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous. Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city, you will learn how to run.

    Imagine a world where communication channels are highly monitored and the movement of human traffic is closely watched. Mirror's Edge introduces you to Faith, a "runner" in this world. When Faith's sister gets framed for a murder she did not commit, Faith finds herself on the edge of the city, on the wrong side of the law.

    Mirror's Edge delivers you straight into the shoes of this modern day heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat, fast-paced chases and challenging puzzles. With a never-before-seen sense of movement and perspective, you are drawn into Faith's world.

    Multiplayer: no
    Plattform: PC
    Utgiver: EA
    Språk: Flerspråklig
    Nettside: Klikk her
    Utgivelsesdato: 13 Jan 2009
    Systemkrav: Here
    English*, French*, German*, Italian*, Spanish*, Czech, Russian*, Polish, Hungarian, Portuguese
    *languages with full audio support
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