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8.3 / 10
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  • 25 September 2000 Konami Digital Entertainment
    Genre Action, Adventures
    Multiplayer No
    Veröffentlichungsdatum 25 September 2000
    Publisher Konami Digital Entertainment
    Keine Reviews bis jetzt!
    6.48 InStock
    Auf Lager Lieferbar in 5 Minuten bis 2 Stunden.
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    You are Snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands.Now the international best-selling PlayStation game comes to the PC with better graphics, added features, and new gameplay modes! Unlike anything you've played before, Metal Gear Solid introduces a new genre of gaming where ninja-like stealth and cool head are your best weapons for survival VR Missions Game included! Optional 1st person play mode thrusts you into the action from the moment you suit up. Multiple game controller support and improved quick-save function for ease of play. ...

    You are Snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands.

    Now the international best-selling PlayStation game comes to the PC with better graphics, added features, and new gameplay modes! Unlike anything you've played before, Metal Gear Solid introduces a new genre of gaming where ninja-like stealth and cool head are your best weapons for survival

    1. VR Missions Game included!

    2. Optional 1st person play mode thrusts you into the action from the moment you suit up.

    3. Multiple game controller support and improved quick-save function for ease of play.

    Multiplayer: no
    Plattform: PC
    Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment
    Veröffentlichungsdatum: 25 September 2000
    System Voraussetzungen: Here
    English* ( * = Full audio support)
    1. Das Produkt wird Ihnen per E-Mail zugesandt
    2. Das Produkt wird Ihnen innerhalb von 5 Minuten bis zu 2 Stunden zur Verfügung gestellt (In seltenen Fällen dauert dies bis zu 24 Stunden)
    3. Das Produkt wird erst nach erfolgter Verifizierung und anerkannter Zahlung durch unser System versandt.
    4. Das Produkt steht zum sofortigen Kauf bereit
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