With almost every action you make using your account, you get rewarded with gems. You can use those gems to get a significant discount on all our games or even buy a game using only your available gems.
There are several ways to collect gems on our site:

Earn gems by purchasing games from our shop

With every order you place within our store, you get a certain percentage of the total purchase amount back in gems. The percentage depends on your account level, the more you buy the more gems you will collect.

collect gems for posting a game review

Collect gems for posting helpful reviews about games purchased from our store. You can post a review by heading over to the product page of a game you purchased or by clicking on the game you wish to review in your "My Games" tab.

collect gems for each time your code is used

Each game below has a unique code which allows others to get a discount for a game. If someone buys a game using a code from your arsenal you will be rewarded with gems. Each code is unique to your account and to that specific game.
Example Game
32% off
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